Donnerstag, 30. August 2012

.:[yay for the new wintercollection @ h&m...]:.

...thinking about how to dress my baby boy...

Unfortunately we still ain't got a new cam...we had so wonderful moments the past few days - I am very sad, I didn't get to take pictures...well, but those memorys will be on my mind - always!

What I can show you some pictures of is how I imagine to dress our little baby boy who's hopefully going to be here with us this November.
The new H&M collection is in stores and I can't wait to go shopping!

and this will be one of my new projects: I'll try to make this overall-hat for him:


I allready bought the jacket with the lil animal on it - I couldn't resist!

And here is the hat I will be making for Ronja (if it works out)

Mittwoch, 22. August 2012

.:[dear autumn]:.

This summer is really bringing me to my is so hot - over the day I can't even open the windows, because the hot, sticky air would fill the rooms immediately. And when I finally get to open a window in the evening - a swarm of mosquitos comes flying in and attacks us all night long. We just don't get rid of them.

We all didn't get real sleep in days now!

And not to mention my extra 10kg of pregnancy weight...

I can't wait till autumn is finally here...

dear autumn
with your beautiful painted leaves carried by the soft wind...
till they are falling on the floor...
where kids are joyfully jumping through puddles, wearing funny colored gumboots...
till they run home in the golden sunsets to celebrate the harvest...

haha - I have the great idea to celebrate thanks giving this year - I hope I won't mess up the turkey!
Never made one before...this is my dare for this autumn! ;D

.:[new style and pregnancy pictures]:.

Here is my 27 weeks pregnant belly show

My wonderful son, I really hope you are fine inside that tummy...
I want you to know, that we love you and I am waiting curios for you!
I am so grateful for you! You will make this family more complete!
We are so excited!

 Can't wait to hold you in my arms and give you a soft kiss!

*All cloth are from Colluseum La Park

Dienstag, 21. August 2012

.:[I cut my hair - all by myself!]:.

haha...I got tired of my old haircut...I don't know why - but I felt like it just looked to much like a boys haircut...and since I am pregnant and definitely feeling very much like a woman - I wanted to look more girly...

SO - I went to the bathroom, took the scissors and just cut my hair Ö.ö haha - I am crazy, I know...

Samstag, 18. August 2012

.:[Grandma's B-day]:.

It was such a great day - we had such a fun time!
Enjoying a great breakfast - with everything you wish for - in a very special atmosphere.
Having yummy cake and good laughs all afternoon.
Playing ball - sharing life - celebrating.
And watching little cute Ronja enyoing herself in the yard.

Here are some impressions of that wonderful day:


tiny footsteps

breakfast and present time

 decorating grandma

yummy cake

 Playing in the yard with grandma - oh how I wish we had a garden...

Donnerstag, 16. August 2012

.:[Gut Aiderbichl]:.

We were thinking about visiting the Wildpark in Poing again - wich was so fun - but than all of the sudden my fiance came up with a new idea.

Not far from us there is sort of a little farm. The special thing is: It harbors only animals with horrible pasts - like pigs, sheep, cows, goats and horses that would have gotten slaughtert or horses that worked at a circus all theyr lifes and than would have just gotten killed cause they got to old...and homeless cats, and donkeys...when Sebastian told me about this, I really wanted to go there - but I had no idea, that this was going to be soooooo much fun!!!

I might say it was the best trip we took so far! It was such a beautiful place! And the animals were just running arround the place totally free! Ronja was able to pet pony's and see a baby pig and run after goats...
and there was a little "cafe" with a few tables outside - und guess who lingered arround and licked your plate clean after you finished - three most cutest donkeys you can imagine! I had such a blast!

I can't say what I loved most - but I sure know, what gave Ronja the most pleasure! There was a whole house that was only for cats! You were allowed to walk through the hallway - but not allowed to enter the rooms (the doors all had windows to look inside the rooms). They were all furnished with big armchairs, lots of little doll-beds, big beds with tons of pillows, cupboards, pictures of cats on the walls and lusters on the ceiling! TO CUTE! The cats were allowed to come out of the rooms of course! The windows all stood open and there were little cat doors everywhere. The house also had a big yard - and this is where Ronja met a very tiny, totally scrubby, white cat - and became best friends with her. The cat just wouldn't move away from Ronja! And I was so blown away by how tender Ronja cuddled and pettet her - normaly she's still pretty rough because she just doesn't know better...but with the tiny cat she was sooooo gently! I am so proud of my little princess ^^

Other funny thing: There were two cat-statues right and left of the front entry - and Ronja thought they might need some love, too, and cuddled them...haha...not sure if she realized they were fake...the tiny white cat got jealous but used the moment to nip on Ronjas milk - smart kitty :D

After this more than perfect trip we went to see some old castle ruins on our way back, wich just rounded the whole thing up. Ronja was pleased and tired and Sebastian and I were full of joy about this great day! We'll definitely have to do that again!


Ronja trying to escape and jump into the water...

yeah - she loves everything that has wheels

haha - the ponys head is as big as Ronja - but she wasn't scared at all!

the cats house 

match made in heaven...they even look alike - don't you think?

loving the cat statue - and kitty trying to get some milk 

don't you dare taking my beer, donkey!

2 pregnant goats... 

They didn't leave my side till we left!

Sebi and me beeing statues 

at the old castle ruins
After thinking about it for a few seconds - I decided, that I love him to much, to just leave him he was allowed to go home with us - don't worry

 such an amazing view! I mean the guy, of course...


my beautiful princess